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COVID-19 Relief in India Update

We believe that helping others makes us happier. We hope that your generous giving is also giving you this experience. In addition to transforming lives by supporting our programs, your donations are contributing to COVID-19 relief and supporting long-term recovery and sustainability in the Tansa Valley in India.

Here’s how your support is making a difference…

Ensuring Food Security

The current lockdown has exacerbated widespread food insecurity, especially among the homeless, including children, and daily wage earners. In the last month, the PRASAD Chikitsa team has distributed more than 22,000 warm meals to those most in need in the villages of Vajreshwari and Akloli Kund, like the Pawar family.

PRASAD Chikitsa’s COVID-19 relief efforts in India.

In Akloli Kund village, sisters Prajakta, 17, and Sakshi, 12, and their brother Sairaj, 14, live in a small house on the banks of the Tansa River. A few years ago, the children lost their father, and soon after their mother abandoned them. Their aunt Kunda Pawar, a cleaner at a local resort, took them in.

Because of the lockdown, the resorts closed, affecting Kunda’s income.  Kunda didn’t know how she would feed the children. They were desperate.  Recently, the girls learned that PRASAD Chikitsa was serving meals near the bus stand in town, so they immediately rushed over. They were delighted to find freshly cooked, warm meals waiting for them.

Since then, the sisters go twice daily to collect meals, which they take home to share with the family.  Prajakta, a talkative teenager, said, “Our brother is too shy to come here. But we share our meals with him and our aunt. We rarely get food this good at home. Thanks for bringing us this yummy food”.

Sisters Prajakta and Sakshi receive warm meals from PRASAD Chikitsa.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Distribution

  • 2,400 face masks
  • 250 bottles of hand sanitizer
  • 2 hand sanitizer dispensers and 10 boxes of gloves to the local Public Health Department

PRASAD Chikitsa mask distribution

Doing More with Partners

The PRASAD Project partnered with Americares to support COVID-19 treatment facilities in 10 states in India. This response includes 1,100 oxygen concentrators, ventilators, PPE for health workers, and health education in COVID-19 prevention and vaccination.

Americares dispenses PPE.

Correction: Instead of partnering with MCKS Food for the Hungry Foundation to support the distribution of PPE and medical equipment and feeding programs, MCKS requested PRASAD Chikitsa support its high and immediate need for the distribution of dry ration kits. PRASAD Chikitsa will provide 883 kits to people in the Delhi region. The kits support a family of 4 or 5 for 3 to 4 weeks.

Again, thank you for your heartfelt support! Though case numbers are declining, the devastating impact of the second wave of COVID-19 continues to reverberate amongst the most vulnerable. Your continued generosity will help support immediate needs, recovery and sustainability. Please give today and share this message with your friends and family.

With gratitude,
Dr. M. Cecilia Escarra
Executive Director

We’re Moving!

The PRASAD Project and PRASAD Children’s Dental Health Program administrative offices are moving to 25 Sullivan Avenue in Liberty, NY, as of June 14, 2021. The new office will enable us to carry out PRASAD’s humanitarian work in a more spacious and efficient environment.

Our phone number and mailing address remain the same: 845-434-0376 ⬥ P.O. Box 576, Ferndale, NY 12734



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