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Adolescent Health in India

As adults, when we reflect back on our adolescent years, we may remember a time filled with many physical and mental changes. Imagine entering into your adolescent years with no understanding of what was happening and without the resources to learn.As adults, when we reflect back on our adolescent years, we may remember a time filled with many physical and mental changes. Imagine entering into your adolescent years with no understanding of what was happening and without the resources to learn.

In the Tansa Valley, PRASAD Chikitsa identified adolescent girls as a particularly vulnerable population at risk for a number of medical conditions, such as reproductive tract infections associated with menstruation and improper hygiene. In many cases, their mothers were unaware of proper hygiene and unable to teach better practices to the girls.

PRASAD has been offering adolescent health talks that explain the menstrual cycle, proper hygiene, nutrition and reproduction. What we have found is while vulnerable, these groups of girls are adaptable and open to learning ways to seek a healthier future.

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